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Write blog and site reviews that stand out!

Write blog and site reviews that stand out!

Posted on
August 24, 2021
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Written by: Vojislav Branović

If you are a writer or want to become one, you will eventually come across some kinds of questions that are very important to be clarified. What is the site review? What is it used for? How important is it to the final users?Who writes and who reads blog posts, why are they so popular and why do you need to know how to write them if you are into a writing job? Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to improve your writing!

What Are Site Reviews and How To Write Them?

What is a Site Review?

In simple words, the site review is a detailed text of some web place, which gives valuable information about the site to the end-user! You need to cover several things when you are writing a site review, such as Validity of Information, the tone of writing and text editing, and the details (the more details, the better the review).

What Must a Site Review Contain?

Overview - Give an overall idea of what the given website is. What does it do? What does it offer to the user? How does it work, in general terms? Give the big picture before getting into details.Ease of Use - Emphasize the ease of use. Even though today’s generations are very well educated when it comes to computers, we all want to breeze through the sites we are visiting and to click as little as possible to get the wanted results. Applications and Benefits - Help your readers see how this site would work for them. The reader wants to know how this online service will be to his advantage.

Discuss Website Features

If you are writing a site review article, you should include all features that your site has. That can be Loading speed, Search feature, Ads free or ads, Any filters, Membership, Safe environment, help, financial, Visual appeal, FAQ, community, Plugins or software required, and others. Give your readers a detailed preview of the stuff offered on the website and give yourself the freedom to write in your own words! That will improve the quality of your review!

Deal with Negatives

No matter how much effort someone has put into his website, there will always be people who can find a negative side of it! If you aim to become a successful site reviews writer, you will have to deal with these negative sides, and there are two simple ways of achieving this: Ignore or Spin! Before getting detailed about these two ways, I have to tell you that the clients who pay you to write reviews don’t like seeing negative reviews! That’s why you have to be cunning and try to avoid mentioning this, but still, be objective and give your readers trustworthy information! Yeah, not an easy task, but check this out:

  • Ignore: people already know that all sites have downfalls, don’t mention them. It's as simple as that! You can mention it somewhere in the text, but don’t focus on them!
  • Spin: Use something like “site won’t work for you IF…” to avoid being negative, yet gives the reader information that something is not ideal on the site!

Personalize Your Review

You are hired because of your skills, personal writing voice, and audience reach! So, make your review unique, put your own personal mark into it!Finish with your own final thoughts on the website! Take care of the business, don’t let anyone tell you you are a plagiarist or something similar! Be creative, be free to write in your own words, choose the right words, and the results will come!


  • Avoid promotional jargon: always remember that you are not advertising the website, you are writing a review.
  • Use the main keyword! If it is asked, the density of keywords should be 3%
  • Stay neutral: A perfect online review should be as neutral as possible.
  • Always proofread: Write in a friendly format not academic, write clearly and concisely, and always proofread!
  • Include details: Never forget to include as many details as you can!

Tips for Writing Blog Posts

A blog post is an article that you write on a blog. It can include content in the form of text, photos, infographics, or videos.

How to Write a Blog Post?

Okay, there are some unwritten rules when it comes to the writing of blog posts, and I will try to be as simple as it can get in the explanations: All you have to do is to follow these 5 easy steps when creating your blog post:Step 1: Plan your blog post by choosing a topic, creating an outline, conducting research, and checking facts. Aim to choose a topic that interests you!Step 2: Create a headline that is both informative and will capture readers’ attention. Be creative and catchy!Step 3: Start writing your post. No matter if you can’t do it in one draft session, do it in several of them, the end result will be the same!Step 4: Use images to enhance your post, improve its flow, add humor, and explain complex topics.Step 5: Edit your blog post. Read your post aloud to check its flow. Make sure to avoid repetition. Get feedback from someone else, do proofread. Keep your sentences and paragraphs short. Long ones will make the readers go away. Avoid being boring!

The Structure of a Blog Post:

If you want to be a successful blog post writer, you will have to make almost perfect blog posts! How to achieve that goal? Well, there are certain things you need to follow here, and I am more than willing to share them with you! A perfect blog post must have some basic elements, such as:

  1. Headline - Title - try to be creative and catchy. This is your promise to the readers
  2. Cover image - must be related to the topic
  3. Publish date, author name, post category - not necessary, but useful
  4. Introduction - Very important! Make sure that it makes people read the rest of your content.
  5. Main content - If the headline is the promise, this is the fulfillment of that pledge!
  6. Sub headlines - Use them to break your content into smaller sections.
  7. Conclusion - sum up the content you have written.
  8. Call to action - ask your readers to share the post or leave comments.
  9. Social media buttons - the best way of promoting your blog.
  10. Comments - allows your readers to interact with you and other visitors

Content Writing Tips and Tricks

Check this paragraph carefully, it can improve your writing, save your time, and make your blog post better:

  • Visual appeal: Pay attention to this. Posts with details, text editing, different fonts, images, videos, and similar stuff are more interesting to the readers! So, don’t be afraid to add:
  • Bolded text: it can point out some important parts and it looks cool
  • Bulleted lists: if you have a chance to use these lists, use them!
  • Media: always add some media! It makes the post more interesting
  • Photos: Add them all the time, in every single post! In blog posts, photos are used to explain, add humor, and much more.

Last But Not Least: Writing tools

No matter how good your English is, you will always want help from some of the numerous tools on the web! I personally use two of them:WordCounter: awesome thing when it comes to the keywords density, counting the words, characters, paragraphs! It also shows the reading level, speaking time, and much moreGrammarly: the best grammar tool, period! It corrects typos, bad sentences, gives suggestions, and makes your writing look more professional!

I sincerely hope that these tips and tricks will help you, and if you are still thinking about whether to take this path or not, I hope that after reading this you will make that first step into the world of copywriters and bloggers!