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EY Fast Growing Entrepreneur 2021

EY Fast Growing Entrepreneur 2021

Posted on
April 10, 2022
, By
Nadja Vukicevic
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Uplift for further steps

Quantox leaders are awarded the "EY Fast Growing Entrepreneur 2021" prize by the global auditing and consulting company Ernst & Young.

Vuk Popović and Filip Karaičić on behalf of Quantox Technology have been recognized among the most successful in 2021. at a ceremony which was held in Belgrade last month. This is the tenth year in a row that E & Y, through its global “Entrepreneur of the Year™” program, supports and promotes entrepreneurial achievements among individuals and companies that demonstrate vision, leadership and success.

Quantox is a story about vision.

Proof that ideas and dreams come true.

Vuk Popovic, founder, says:

"For me, being an entrepreneur means never stopping to learn and develop. Tackling technology 15 years ago as an entrepreneurial endeavour - with willpower, effort and persistence - has made Quantox an international company with more than 500 experts working in 13 development centres in 7 countries. It took courage and the vision remained the same -  improving our environment, the city, the country and the whole IT sphere and the world of technology by improving ourselves. "

According to Vuk, it was not easy at the very beginning, but each phase of development had its own challenges and achievements.

“One of the first goals was to primarily enable people across our country to work in the IT industry for global clients from their home city. The sudden changes and challenges in the last two years when we switched to remote work have shown how flexible we are and company still has continued to grow rapidly due to such circumstances, which was additionally influenced by the market situation. Today, the company cooperates with clients from over 15 countries around the world and various industries - from small brands to large international companies, which is a great motivation to be even better. One of the biggest challenges is achieving stable and sustainable growth and that is what we are constantly striving for - to grow stronger and improve quality, every day. This award is certainly an extra push in that mission."

Filip Karaičić, CEO of Quantox Technology, confirms that the journey took a lot of years, effort and energy, but after expanding into new foreign markets, doubling the number of employees in the last two years and the first domestic acquisitions, the company is more than ever ready for new steps forward.

"The end of the previous year was marked with the first Quantox’s acquisition in Serbia and we entered the spring of 2022. stronger for another domestic company and new team members. We are growing and pushing the boundaries and we are glad to be recognized in that stride. The IT industry is one of the fastest growing, providing constant dynamics and new opportunities. We believe that our position also brings the responsibility to encourage the progress of each individual, company as a whole and thus contribute to an even better positioning of Serbia on the global IT map. "

Plans for the future are a further expansion of expert teams and development centers in Western European countries, entry into new markets, and new acquisitions in the country and the region. "With the further expansion of expertise, we continue our mission to create an environment that encourages a progressive and innovative approach to digital challenges," concludes Filip.

During the previous years, more than 200 companies with 222 candidates participated in this program in the Republic of Serbia, and it’s a great pleasure to be chosen in the narrowest circle of visionaries with recognized achievements. 

The winners are chosen by an independent expert jury and selection is based on success factors such as entrepreneurial spirit, financial indicators, strategic direction, regional or international market presence, innovation, and personal integrity.

Great honor and motivation for the whole Quantox team!