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The first voice of Quantox.

The first voice of Quantox.

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May 28, 2021
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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There were many opportunities to talk about various different topics. He is just like that - a man-made of experience and stories. Once, we tried to summarize his biography in one sentence. We ended up with an ideal description that goes like this - Excavator, secret correspondent of the “Drevni Vanzemaljci” show, and seeker of the ghost sword of Alexander the Great.He is Igor, internally known as Gojko. He is a recruiter, exceptional interlocutor, and even better friend. Many of us have spoken to him, some of us even had the opportunity to meet him. He surely justified the title of this interview - The first voice of Quantox. He has been with us for five years, we surely congratulate him on this jubilee, and wish to continue to rock as before. Disclaimer: This interview was originally done as a video. The recruiter was interviewed. The interviewer was also a recruiter. Originally it was supposed to be a short conversation, but it lasted almost an hour. We naively thought it would be different :) These are recruiters, talking is their thing. We tried to do a transcript of the video. This is one 1/24 of the conversation :)

  • We know that you are, almost, an archeologist. What brought you to the world of recruitment?

The recruiter has the strangest ways :) After finishing college and getting the job, I quickly realized that archeology is not something I could do for the rest of my life. Luckily, a friend of mine introduced me to the IT world where I realized that recruitment is the path I want to take for the future development of my career.

  • Tell us something about the company.

This company is made of people ( I “accidentally” chose some of them :)) and people are an invaluable source and that is the reason why this company got to this level. The team is great, always ready to help each other, and I don’t have enough amazing words to describe them.

  • Do you remember your first day at work?

Yes, it was quite interesting. The crew of 15 people welcomed me and it was such a relaxed atmosphere. I still remember the famous big whiteboard with caricatures of every new member done by our colleague Uroš.

  • What are the adventures over the past five years that directly associate you with Quantox?

Pushups in the office, coffee breaks, and Vukota who has an interview with a candidate in the closet cos all conf rooms and offices are occupied.

  • What characteristics do you think have helped you the most in your work?

Definitely flexibility.

  • Why recruitment?

Recruitment is personally quite challenging for me. It’s great because it is not just about interviews and making contacts as most people think. It combines several areas - marketing, sales, and IT itself and requires constantly following the market.

  • Do you have a number or rough assumption of how many people you have talked to in the last 5 years?

I don’t have a precise number but it is not small for sure. I and the numbers have always been at war, but I believe that figure is certainly five digits.

  • You don’t have just one hobby, but tell us which one is your favorite?

Definitely music, I even set up a little studio for me. Also, playing with raspberry pie, in fact, one arcade game is in the final development stage.

  • Now one really serious question - how many Slava do you visit during the year?

Hahahahah twenty I would say.

  • What do we get by matching a Canadian bear and Tesla’s electric vehicle?

Fuzzy cover for steering wheel :)

  • Your time during the weekend is reserved for what?

Family, good SF book, and air rifle restoration.

  • Something that you did and you wouldn’t do it again.

Got drunk from tequila.

  • Which is the weirdest food you have ever tasted?

Once, there was a big plate of seafood, a lot of it. I was extremely hungry and I think I even ate the decorations on the plate. Result - serious allergic reaction to something.

  • What would you never give up?

Listening to music.

  • What would you advise yourself 5 years ago?

Don’t change anything.

  • If you are not a recruiter what would you be?

Frontend developer. I am always amazed how one piece of code that you write can make something.

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