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How are WHOIS mobile applications made?

How are WHOIS mobile applications made?

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January 21, 2022
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Impressions of the WHOIS Hackathon 2021 winning team

The impressions of the WHOIS Hackathon winning team Redtech Zemare confirmed the assumption of the organizers - "domain themes'' not only can be interesting to developers - but can provide insight and knowledge about the part of the IT industry that is not so often in focus.Young software engineers Milan Cupać, Željko Lučić, Igor Stevanović, Andrija Jelenković, and Damjan Denić created the best application during a two-day WHOIS hackathon jointly organized by the Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation (RNIDS) and Quantox Technology on September 25 and 26.

The task for the selected teams was as follows - within 48 hours create a mobile application that provides WHOIS and DNS data - meaning offering answers about free or registered domain names in domain spaces around the world, primarily national .rs and .srb domain spaces.After 48 hours of monitoring and final 10 presented solutions, the jury consisted of Petar Slović, Director of Innovation, Quantox Technology, Damjan Tomić, Technical Director of IT Biz Solutions, and Dušan Stojičević, the former co-chair of the Universal Acceptability Group (UASG) ICANN, had a difficult task. Solutions were evaluated according to the following criteria: completeness of the solution, the relevance of the solution (possibility of real application), UI / UX (design and ease of use of the application), quality of code (ease of maintenance), scalability (whether the application can work with the real number of users) and the presentation of the solution itself.The result of the two-day process was 10 fully functional applications whose code quality was at a remarkable level, having in mind a very short deadline and teams with different levels of experience (one high school team also participated in the hackathon). Each team approached the project task in an original way and used completely different technologies.Through the link, it is possible to access the winning solution on the Github platform.A video presentation of all solutions from the hackathon is available at the link.Why the WHOIS hackathonWhat happened behind the scenes during the 48 hours of work on the applications? What was the biggest challenge in the process of creating the application? Did working with Cyrillic domains challenging and how much?Members of the winning team shared their impressions and answers to these and other questions - why they applied, what they knew about domains and DNS, Universal Acceptance before, and what they learned after the hackathon.Listen to the experiences of the Redtech Zemare team.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YO8lDmd8QvkSource: https://www.rnids.rs/lat/novosti/whois-hakaton-kako-se-prave-whois-mobilne-aplikacije

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