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What we learned from a recent teambuilding

What we learned from a recent teambuilding

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November 10, 2016
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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What if we invest in people and they leave?

As the saying goes, Quantox only hires the best, so if you can work here we already know you could easily get a job anywhere else as well.

That’s the nature of hiring top-tier professionals whose skills are envied by competitors. Keeping our team happy while encouraging the right kind of corporate culture is what we do best. After all, a web services company is only as good as the people who work to build it, and it can only succeed when everyone shares the same vision, with a common purpose fueled by a real passion for perfection.

Friendly atmosphere is

“This year’s racing event was terrific, high performance,” said Vladimir, VP of Quantox. “Yes, it was fun and exciting to get the whole team burning up the high-performance track in cars with a trophy on the line… but in a larger sense, it was also exactly the right message for everyone who works at Quantox to take to heart.”

Winning on the racetrack isn’t about guessing or long wasteful thought processes that leave you meandering around the track as competitors pass you by. To reach the checkered flag first, you need to be efficient, smart, quick, adaptive and focused – which are all traits we put at a premium when hiring new team members for careers at Quantox!

Quantox Racing Is Team Building And An Efficiency Lesson

“The winner finds the right line to travel around the track, one that is the least congested by traffic, taking the shortest path from point A to B, and then defends that advantage by perfecting all the angles to stay ahead of everyone else, ” said Vladimir with a smile. “Adapting to the changing behavior of the other drivers, focusing on the goal without distractions from spectators on the sidelines or other racers, and always looking for a way to save time without compromising on the end results. If you can do it on the track you have the right mentality to do it in the office. At Quantox we compete to win because a good effort is ok in school, but in business, the best player is the one who consistently takes home the trophy.”

[caption id="attachment_168" align="alignnone" width="700"]

Winning is important

Super Milos wins the race[/caption]

If you have what it takes to compete the carting winner Milos at the next Quantox team building adventure and relish the opportunity to work with a team that is always hungry for new knowledge, contact us and let’s find a fit for you on the team!