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The meaning of Quantox

The meaning of Quantox

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June 1, 2021
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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Being an entrepreneur and starting a business story of your own, always carries a lot of courage but also a lot of risks. You work every day, try your best to prove yourself, and be recognizable on the market. When you achieve a certain success and that success, at some point, leads you to some major and crucial changes. Anyone who has participated in a process of building a brand knows how long-lasting and well-thought-out it is. That is why any major change in it leads to serious decision weighing. Reason - you’re getting into rebranding. There are many questions. How to name the company? Is it better to give some symbolic, hidden meaning? Will the market understand our new message? Time will tell if you made the right decision.  The time showed us that, after many consultations and suggestions of the whole team, we did the right thing by choosing the path called Quantox Technology. Word Quantox as itself has no specific meaning. For us, on the other hand, it means a lot. It is a symbol of an idea created 15 years ago and which has been successfully implemented and continued to grow. A word that has weight today, that carries one brand and that is recognizable to the wider IT community. For us, Quantox means responsibility. Responsibility for each accepted project, no matter how challenging. From the idea, through strategy to the presentation of the finished product and its future maintenance. Responsibility for meeting deadlines, respecting everyone’s time and obligations. Responsibility for the normal functioning of all our 10 offices, especially during a pandemic. Quantox represents stability. We are thinking of 300 families. Kovid, various changes in the law, did not shake us. There was no withdrawal or radical moves. On the contrary. We kept the team, we kept the job. We also opened the jubilee  10th office. We came out as winners and that is the success of the company itself and all of us who are part of it. Quantox is a synonym of progress for young people. We are proud of our professional development program. Great attention is paid to creating the whole process of practice, choosing the right mentor for each individual candidate, and also measuring the final results. The success of interns and their further employment is really on a high level.  This program, among other things, helped us to enrich our team with extremely high-quality people. Quantox is a domestic brand. It originated in Serbia. We live, grow and prosper in Serbia. Yes, we have stepped into new markets, but we are pleased to introduce all our international colleagues to Serbian customs. Our people selflessly and openly share their knowledge and experience. That is why there are no boundaries for us. We are one team, we are a Serbian brand and wherever we do business, everyone knows where we come from.